Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Stairway to the Stars

Kirkus reviewed Generation Dead today and they gave it a--*gulp*--starred review. This is sort of like having a celebrity chef asking for seconds of the appetizer you made or Simon Cowell saying that you "might do well in this competition".

You can find a tease of the review here but only Kirkus subscribers can read the whole thing. Here's a quote I have to share, though: "Stephenie Meyer meets John Green in debut author Waters’s wry, original supernatural romance, which blends sensitivity and deadpan humor to reflect a culture clash on both sides of the living spectrum." (Kirkus, April 1, 2008)

Whooooo, I've got the chills. It was a thrill to be named in such company as Ms. Meyer and Mr. Green. And I love being a wry guy.

P.S. This is not an April Fool's hoax.

I hope.


the story siren said...

i just stumbled upon Generation Dead! i can't wait to read it!

Daniel Waters said...

Hi Story Siren,

Normally I wouldn't say this, but I'm glad you stumbled! Thanks for your post, and I hope you enjoy Generation Dead.

Take care,

sandi said...

I loaned my copy to a friend and she said she cried through the entire last chapter....

we both agree- you MUST write more!!


Daniel Waters said...

Hi, Sandi, welcome back!

And thank you for the HUGE compliment. I always aim to evoke strong emotions in the reader, and I think doing so is one of the loftiest and most difficult goals a writer can aspire to. I'm thrilled that GD was able to provoke such a reaction, although I am feeling a little guilty I wasn't on hand to provide tissues.

In a related note that speaks to the last part of your post, I have been working on another book set in the world of Generation Dead, and yesterday I wrote a scene that *almost* had me crying. I was literally on the verge of tears, and I have to be honest, that rarely happens. Sure, I feel a little cathartic thrill when I write a happy scene or a romantic scene, but I rarely work my self up to the point of *crying*.

I managed not to cry, though. Honest. I'm pretty tough.


Thanks again for your post, and please forgive my windy response.

Take care,