A special thrill for me is having GD reviewed in #27 of From the Tomb magazine, out now. I haven't even read the review yet; it could trash the book for all I know, that's how happy I am to be in this magazine's pages! FTT is an oversized, graphics-heavy magazine published in England that covers all sorts of horror and science fiction goodness from the past, with articles on great and obscure comics, pulps, books, and other cultural curio alongside interviews with the people who made them great. My favorite issue was the "Invaders From Mars" issue, which not only had an article on the original Mars Attacks cards from 1954, it had a couple of covers from the comic book Mr. Monster, a Michael T. Gilbert classic that was the publication that gave me my first rejection letter! I submitted a couple comic scripts back when I was a wee lad. I still keep over my desk decades later!

Anyone interested in subscribing to From the Tomb or buying an individual issue can contact the publisher Peter at Peter.Normanton(at)btinternet.com. Be advised, From the Tomb occasionally contains rated R-ish material!
Dude, that's so sick! That's awesome, I'm so getting that issue!
ooooooooooooooh awesomee =D
felt like dropping you a comment, I haven't for a while!
Been busy with revision and whatnot
That is awesome! Congrats! I have never heard of/seen that magazine before, I usually get my Rue Morgue every month!
Hi RoittingMyLifeAway!
You should!
Take care,
Hi Zombie Girl.X!
Thank goodness you are here! I thought maybe you got white van'd or something!
Take care,
Hi Lita138!
It has a pretty small print run and isn't easy to find, especially in the States. But well worth the effort!
Take care,
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