Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Grandparents: Decidedly Pro-Zombie

Here's another piece of genius artwork from Bryony. I love how Bryony works the UK cover art into every piece. Thanks, Bryony!

This was a nice surprise-- Grandparents.com named Generation Dead one of their ten best books for children for 2008. Check out the rest of the listHERE. This is cool for a number of reasons, one of which is that grandparents are generally much more in tune with what kids want, because they spend most of their time giving kids what they want. And also, again generally, they have more money to spend on things like Generation Dead for their grandkids than say a parent does.*

*The italicized opinions above were formed by conducting an informal poll with the children in my household, and should in no way be construed as being the actual opinions of the author of this blog.

Now that that's cleared up, the news. There is snow on the ground. A lot of snow. I haven't seen any yetis yet. Yetis have yet to appear. I won't be running for a few days, it looks like (I fear snowplows and knee injuries) but I did get some exercize running the snowblower and shoveling the walk. And that's the weather and sports. In national news, I get to go on a book tour! Wheeee! I love traveling across this great nation of ours. Don't know where I'm going yet, but wherever it is, there I'll be.

I'll post the dates and locations as soon as I know...


Yazzeh said...


Anna said...

Hopefully the book tour stops somewhere between New York & L.A.
Something fun needs to come to the midwest =) ...I'd totally go.

Anonymous said...

Will th U.K. get a chance to become invovled in your tour plans ever? Please say yes. Or come to West Yorkshire on a social visit.

Yazzeh said...

Better drop by lil ol' Swansea in Wales one day btw... or I'll never forgive you.. *laughs* I jokes =P

Anonymous said...

Yaz, you make me laugh all the time. Well, if you do get close I may just have to take a vacation day to go see you and do that thing we've been talking about for the site! Hopefully I'll be able to get both you and the Casts in one fail swoop, so if you go to Tulsa, that'd make it super easy. lol. Well best of luck scheduling that. It is a very hard process to go through.

Raschel - Tak's Girl - Cause even the dead can love

Minx said...

Yay!!! Snow!! Wev'e got some down here as well. :)

Any chance you'll be dropping by NC?? *wink, wink- nudge, nudge- Say no more* <- Monty python, LOL!


Iserr said...

Hope you visit SoCal!!!! My friend and I love your books!

Ellen said...

I hear the Yeti are all headed to 'Toga for Yeti-Con '09. Rumor is they want you to be GoH since you think they are so sweet, and they like to read about zombies. You should contact the con chair to firm up a date - they are flexible.

Glad you have a tour coming up - I'll try to wrangle a posse to stop by if you are anywhere remotely close!

Vegasaurus said...

Yeti attacks are truly no fun, one came with the snow storm we had in So Cal ((four feet for Southern California....And that happened overnight....)) Not fun. xD You should stop somewhere in Cali. I'd totally show.

Daniel Waters said...

Hi Zombie GirlX!

No Wales, yet...

Take care,

Hi Anna!

I suggested a stop in Chicago. We'll see...

Take care,

Hi xAamnax!

I'd love, love to go to the UK. Someday!

Take care,

Hi Raschel!

Never been to Tulsa--it could happen,

Hi Meg!

NC would be cool...I'd love to go to NC.

Take care,

Hi Iserr!

Thank you! I'd love to go to SoCal, or NoCal. or any Cal. I've never even dipped my pinky to into Cal. It could happen...
Take care,

Hi Ellen!

I have already discussed Yeti Con with the con chair, and will definitely be up there for at least an overnight sometime in the Spring!

Take care,

Hi Vegasaurus!

Another vote for SoCal? Hmmm. But you'll have to get rid of the snow first!

Take care,