Star had a ruff day helping set up the Christmas tree. Yes, we put her bed on the couch in case one cushion wasn't soft enough for her.
Why should I try to write anything entertaining on this blog? I have a beagle puppy.
Some of My Best Friends Are Dead
I can't see the puppy pic...but maybe it's just me...
AWWWWE! How cute! Star is adorable!
i love beagles, we have 3 of them, there great dogs but they tend to run alot.
star is really really cute, and i love the name, how did she get it?
Mr. Waters-
I finished writing a book, and I really want to get it published. I know that there's a lot that goes into the process, but is there any advice you can give me?
Thank you.
That's the cutest puppy shot I've seen since the last photo I took of my dog.
Better break out the camera and some sort of Christmas-y backdrop...
buahahahaha ok to anyone who knows me, Im a HUGE dog person (im in the process of getting my assosciate's to be a vet tech right now! go me!) and when I take my dogs to the dog park, every beagle we run into has the same bark. If yours has the same beagle bark, then you definetely know what Im talking about. lol.
its great, like a car alarm/fog horn mix...
Hi Arielle!
Maybe that's because she can turn invisible at will!
Take care,
Hi Meg!
She sure is.
Take care,
Hi gothic chick!
When she was a tiny puppy, she had a star-shaped white patch on her back that has since morphed into a heart. She also has a small scar on her muzzle next to her left eye, but my kids get really mad when I call her Scar.
Take care,
Hi Vallerie!
Congrats on finishing your book! That is a huge accomplishment.
If you are looking to be published, I recommend seeking represenation from a literary agent. You can research agents online or through guides available in the library or your local bookstore. Do your homework, because there are some disreputable types out there.
The other thing I always tell people who tell me that they want to write fiction for a living is to learn how to take a punch, and learn not to throw one. Meaning that you need to learn to take criticism, because you'll get a lot of it. Some good, some great, some terrible. Take it all in. And as much as you want to argue and fight back with some knucklehead who tears your book (and sometimes, you personally) apart, don't waste your energy. There's nothing to be gained in such a battle, but there is a lot to lose--namely, your rep as a pro. Use your energy wisely. The moment you respond to criticism, you stop doing your thing and start doing their thing, and you don't want to do it.
Jeez, I could go on and on. Please understand also that all writing advice, whether "how to" or advice on "the biz", is highly subjective. Every path is different.
Lastly, enjoy it. Every little bit of it, even the disappointments if they come your way. It will all be useful to you some day.
Take care,
Hi Matthew Dow Smith!
Actually, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of your puppy. Weird...
Take care,
Hi Delaney!
Both Star and I have the Beagle bark, mos def.
Take care,
Star is soooo cute!!!!I have a black american cocker spaniel named ladybelle.small dog, big personality fits ladybelle quite well...
Thank you, Mr. Waters for the advice. I really like the way you see writing; not so much as a job, but a passion. Something you enjoy doing rather than something you hate doing but must do to live in these crazy times.
Thanks again,
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