The person on the left may or may not be a zombie; he wouldn't leave the frame when my wife was taking the picture. I think Duffy behind him is trying to squeeze his ego back inside his skull.

We liked this one, with the parking signs pointing right at Karen (yes, I think of the cover girl as Karen). Then again, I think of my coffee pot as "Trixie" and my lava lamp (the pink one) as "Bubbles".
Remember: a free Generation Dead T-Shirt to whoever sends in the best picture of a poster from Seattle! The campaign starts there today.
I LOVE generation dead !
It's a great concept and was executed really well .
When is the second book coming out ?
Ugh, Dan, i don't live in the U.S.A :(
And I have a question...if I write A very unique and amzing poem, can you put it in your book...for fun? No money involved just a donation to your amazing book-to-be?
After all I did write my own blog...you saw it right?
Nat from Thoughts to be Thought
P.S - Let me know if you're coming to Toronto at any time.
Hi anonymous!
Not sure! Probably next May or June.
Take care,
Hey Nat!
I did see your blog--very cool.
I couldn't use a poem of yours in my books, sorry--but I'd be honored to post it on the site, here.
I'd love to go to Toronto--I think I might be in Canada a couple times next year for conventions, so anything is possible.
Take care,
He looks like a zombie to me.
Would you be able to come to BC British Columbia? Oh, and could you chat at teensrc.com. It's a Canada-wide site for teens and the summer reading club. You don't have to go anywhere;just chat. See the online chat schedules for info.
You look great! I can barely imagine what you and K. must be feeling like, right now, but I figure it must feel pretty damn good. JoAnne
Mr. Waters,
That's cool; I think of the cover girl as Karen, too!!
Ps: can Tommy be on the cover of the second book??? =D
Hey Dan - Quick question - are you on Facebook? I'd love to give you Friends add. :) Started reading Generation Dead Monday -- awesome stuff you got there. :D
Hello Eshonobi!
I'd love to go to British Columbia--not on the schedule right now, though. I will check out that website, thanks for the intel.
Take care,
Hey JoAnne!
Life is good.
Take care,
Hi Jacy!
I'm not sure who will be on the cover of Kiss of Life. I like surprises!
Take care,
Hey Mari!
No Facebook for me at the moment. I'm not sure I could manage anything more than a blog.
Thanks for the kind words.
Take care,
I totally understand. I need another social media / networking outlet like I need another hole in my head. ;) I'll pop by here or Shocklines when I get the review together - probably some time this weekend.
Good question. When is the second book coming out?
Thanks, and I mean teensrc.ca Thanks =)
Hi Chrisy*Kins!
Hopefully May or June next year.
Take care,
g0 Hyperion g0! The similarities between the singer in the Duffy poster right next to the cheerleader in the GD poster are just eerie. What the hell is pop-soul anyway?
Yes! And i'll be sure to be there when you come :)
Oh, and i was thinking of asking that question, if Karen was the one on the cover. I knew it was her! I tried to sketch her and i added it to my blog :P
Hi Dan (By the way, that's my brother's name. :]),
Um, I was curious to know how opposed you are to interviews and if there were any possible way to get an interview with you. I would be honored. With your first book, you've already become my favorite author of all time. Plus, you showed "zombies" in a whole new light. I've always had a thing for zombies (as my blog might prove), but Generation Dead was just phenomenal. Please let me know.
Thank you so much,
Chris (Sounds like a guy's name, but I'm a girl)
Hi Dan, You should start seeing some visitors to your blog from yabookscentral.com to go along with the contest (they should also be leaving a comment on a post too...but some of them have already forgotten to do that). :-)
Hi Claire!
I'm not sure what soul-pop is, but I've got a pretty good idea about pop-soul.
Actually...I got nothin'.
Take care,
Hi again Nat!
Cool picture. I like the cartoon and the poems, too.
Take care,
Hey Chris!
Favorite author of all time???? I'm honored! I'm always up for an interview, and I promise I'll tell the truth at least 70% of the time.
Take care,
Hi Kimberly!
thanks for the mention, the heads' up, and the extra web traffic. Much obliged!
Take care,
Hi Dan,
How do you suppose we should do the interview? I could ask you the questions through blog or . . . whatever way you think would be best. Just let me know! You're awesome.
i just finished reading 'Generation Dead' and there are tears stains allm over the last pages...i thought adam was gone gone...i am glad he came back y'know...
please please please make another book...(including Phoebe, Margi, Adam, Tommy, Karen, Colette, etc)
you could call it... life as a DB kid...or something...or like...SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE DEAD! lol...
~cassie x_X
oh and can u come to virginia....like mannases....or woodbridge...say...potomic mills mall....do a book signing....plz...
~cassie x_X
Hi Dan,
I'm visiting from yabookscentral.com. Generation Dead looks like a fabulous and fun book! If I don't win a copy in the contest, I'm definitely going to check it out from my local library.
I can't wait to read your book (just found out about it) and, um, ehem, doing this let's me enter a contest to win a free copy of your book and a t-shirt. So thanks!!
I can't wait to read your book (just found out about it) and, um, ehem, doing this let's me enter a contest to win a free copy of your book and a t-shirt. So thanks!!
P.S. This may come up twice. Sorry.
Leaving you a post! From the book blogs
Visiting from YA Books Central.
I've been wanting to read your book for awhile. Hopefully, I'll be able to soon! =D
u must be honored!!! i would. this is the allison that's been commenting alot. if i saw posters every where of a book i wrote (which it would probably be a miracle) i would be soooooooo happy.
best wishes
p.s. when u see "best wishes" from an allison (more than not) its me.
I'm visiting from YA Books Central.
I've been wanting to read your book for awhile. It seems really intersting.
I'm from YABC too. (:
I love the whole idea of plastering the city with Generation Dead posters. It's awesome.
Your book looks interesting, I haven't got to read it yet, though.
hey.. my name is haley, and i am new to blogging, but i started it because of your book generation dead. i love that book, it is my favorite. it would really mean alot to me if u commented me back, can u message through this blogging? do u sell generation dead t shirts? i would love to buy one!!
Visiting from YA Books Central as well.
Great book and I can't wait for the second one to come out!
I didn't know there were posters for Gen Dead (that is Generation Dead right?). Do you look for these kind of posters in all the towns you visit? Have you found any yet?
Greetings !
The FIRST thing you wrote came out now??
Do you ever give seminars? I would so be willing to pay two nugetts to have you help me with a script I'm stuck on.
I am also from www.yabookscentral.com (hey, I couldn't resist free books!). I saw your book on top of the table for some several teen titles that are picked out every time I go to the bookstore. =3 I might read it one day if i manage to get through a hundred other books on my hand!
Ooh, you must feel very special if you see your book all over eh? I would too. I would run off and brag to my friends. Lol.
I'm visiting from YA Books Central
I havent read the book but it looks like something my daughter would really like. We go to the bookstore every weekend so I will have to get this for her.
It must have been exciting finding the posters everywhere.
Hehe, that's really funny. I have been trying forever to get Generation Dead but when you live in Bodunk, Hicktown where there's nothing in a 2 hour drive radius, besides Canada which is too much trouble getting over too, so it's hard to get to a bookstore. I can't wait to read you book!
I heard about Generation Dead book from ya book central and I can't wait to read it.
It sounds really interesting.
I'm excited to read the book and the posters/cover is amazing. :]
I saw them in Seattle when I went 2 weeks ago!
hey!my name is haley, and i loved your book! i love to read and i have read alot of books, and generation dead i found to be even better than my last favorite book, twilight. congrats on a wonderful book! o, and i live in chicago, and i was wondering if u will be coming to chicago anytime soon? i would love to come see u!
I can't wait to read your book! It sound's great. I have seen it in bookstores a couple times, but I never had any money to spend. hopefully next time I will have some extra cash. :)
i just got GD last week. its great! i cant wait until the next book comes out next year. actually i kinda hoped that i was late on the whole GD thing so that there would be a sequel already out...but i was not. haha this book has got me hooked and im not one to really be that way. i have honestly never read anything like it before.I had to wait about a month and a half to get the book... cause im poor like that haha lol.. yeah i read it in borders while i was there with my friends (well the first chapter anyways) and i knew i had to come back for it. Its really good, you should be really proud of your self.
Megan T.
p.s. I also think the cover looks alot like Karen.
p.p.s. i loveeeeee that theres a blog about it- no one has ever done that before.
Hi Cassie X!
I'm sorry you cried! I only wanted to bring you joy...(sob)...but now...(cries into keyboard)...
Seriously though, thanks!
I love that part of Virginia, BTW--used to work there often. Hopefully I'll get there some day.
Take care,
Hi Jennifer R! Hi Taz! Hi Calicokelsey! Hi Royal!
Good luck on the contest!
Take care,
Hi Allison!
Always good to hear from you!
Take care,
Hi Danie!
Very awesome, yes!
Take care,
Hi ebin 5446!
Thanks! Give it a try.
Take care,
Hi Haley!
Thanks for posting and for the compliment! No T-shirts for sale at the moment, though.
Take care,
Hi Rylie!
Thank you! Me either!
Take care,
Hi thebookworm,
They were in NY and Seattle. I saw some in NY.
Take care,
Hi StageSamurai!
Actually, I've written about ten novels, all unsold (so far!) prior to writing Gen Dead. It was my first YA, though. No seminars as yet. I've never tried a screenplay, but I bet it is fun.
Take care,
Hi bishiesruleme!
Good luck with the contest!
Take care,
Hi Tracy!
It was cool. I hope your daughter likes it. And you, too, for that matter.
Take care,
Hi Kelsey!
Living in bodunk has it's perks, though, doesn't it?
Take care,
Hi Jasmine!
Good luck!
Take care,
Hi Haley :)!
Thank you! I love Chicago as much as you love my book, I'll bet! I'd love to go back there--nothing in the cards yet, but tomorrow never knows!
Take care,
Hi Jen!
Good luck on getting extra cash (although, I often wonder if there is no such thing as 'extra' cash!).
Take care,
Hi Megan T!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!
Take care,
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